Well that was (almost) the week that was!

01/05/2013 21:03

Its only Wednesday. And I am all "hospitall-ed" out. So far, I have had the delights of a mammogram, an ultrasound and more blood tests (because the last lot got con-tam-in-ated!) And I still have Friday to look forward to. Friday being another load of bloods (for cross-matching!) and another chat with my Plastics Surgeon (I hope I don't have to punch some sense into him this time!)

And to think, I blew out my friends Rachel this morning and Tina this afternoon (sorry guys!) for the wonderful atmosphere of hospitals, needles, scans and clinical stuff. What was I thinking. I am a Muppet!

So anyway, next week is D-Day. Mammo-day. Time to hack the boob off and build a new one one. Lets hope we get all the sucker this time. If not, I will seriously have to smack a frying pan in someone's face. Angry? Me? with my reputation? 

Well roll on next week. Then I can really have a moan........